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March 29, 2025, 12:00 – 6:00pm

Labor is a Moving Image: Film Screening & Panel Discussion

Cleo Reed

films centered around workers’ unions and anti-capitalist movements throughout history

Opens March 15, 2025

CUNTRY: Always the Horse, Never the Jockey

Cleo Reed

A set of musical works, sculptures, and performances working to protest against the demand of labor and productivity in the US.

December 19, 2024, 12:00 – 3:00pm

Food Futures

June Canedo de Souza

Food Futures, a conversation series led by artist Zacarias Gonzalez that examines how urban food systems impact equity.

June 19, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00pm

Meeting #4: Juneteenth Closing Event – A Meditative Celebration of Liberation and Community Facilitated by Wildcat Ebony Brown, Nour Batyne, Adelle Lin & Manushka Magloire of the Wide Awakes

Helina Metaferia

Celebrate Juneteenth with the Wide Awakes at a closing event designed as a meditative space for grounding and celebration.

June 1, 2024 at 2:00pm

Meeting #3: Gathering Workshop — Creative Tools for Collective Movement Facilitated by Samaa Wakim and Samar Haddad King of Yaa Samar! Dance Theatre

Helina Metaferia

Exploring Palestinian culture, history, and resilience through the lens of movement and contemporary performance.

May 11, 2024 at 2:00pm

Meeting #1: By Way of Revolution | Facilitated by Helina Metaferia

Helina Metaferia

Session artist Helina Metaferia will explore the overlapping practices of performance art and protest movements.

September 2023


Chinyere Okafor

written in conjunction with artist Suhyun Choi's Session project, Memorial for Laptop.

July 8–August 12, 2023

Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation


The Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation (ECPC, pronounced easy-peasy) is an internet cafe being developed in real time.

November 17, 2022–January 14, 2023

Can a Sculpture feel Pain?/ Columbus Confessionals

Jean-Marc Superville Sovak

The question of what to do with monuments that have potentially outlived their ideological usefulness

May 20–June 25, 2022

I Woke Up and Chose Violence

Caroline Garcia

I Woke Up and Chose Violence is a response to the murders and deaths of BIPOC people inflicted by the hegemonic systems.

May - June 2022

For Freedoms: Another Justice By Any Medium Necessary


This For Freedoms billboard campaign will culminate their series of creative programming exploring dimensions of carceral justice.

April 9 – May 15, 2022

C.R.E.A.M.: A career fair for more than just survival


Assembly collaborated with Performance Artist Ayana Evans for C.R.E.A.M. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me): A career fair for more than survival

April 2–May 6, 2022

The Motion Picture Association for Maintaining Personal Ambivalence

Rashayla Marie Brown and Jamila Raegan

RMB will fashion the Session into an independent filmmaking space where audiences can alter the traumatic endings of movies they want to love.

September 7–October 19, 2021

Dana’s Beauty Supply

Dana Davenport

Dana’s Beauty Supply constructs an experimental beauty supply store and hair gel manufacturing lab.

May 4–June 15, 2021

Untitled (Incall)

Sophia Giovannitti

Untitled (Incall) interrogates the material overlap between the art and sex industries to address the ambivalent labor identity of cultural producers.

March 2021 - April 2022

Political Intimacy


Political Intimacy, a collaboration between Recess: Assembly and Pratt Institute students, demystifies and humanizes local electoral candidates.

September 3–October 26, 2019

Life of Mohammad

Maryam Monalisa Gharavi

Life of Mohammad constructs a fictional single life from the lives of seven real people named Mohammad.

June 20–August 3, 2019

Slaysian Dynasty

E.T. Chong

Slaysian Dynasty is a media installation that will serve as a space of dialogue and performance exploring the intersection of Asian Queer and Trans.

February 14–April 6, 2019

$200 From… To… -With Love

Lizania Cruz

$200 From… To… -With Love a participatory art project focused on remittances, the money migrant send to their homelands.

January 3–February 9, 2019


Demian DinéYazhi´

R.I.S.E.: COLLECTIVE FURY is a project that will explore how outrage and anger can be mobilized not as tools of division,.

May 3–June 2, 2018


Manuel Molina Martagon

EL RECREO will turn Recess into a home base for restaurant workers, with diverse programming addressing current issues faced by the food service.

January 4–March 3, 2018


Alexandra Bell

exploring the role of stereotypes, messaging, and news media to directly engage issues of racism, gun violence, and police brutality