May 20–June 25, 2022
Caroline Garcia
I Woke Up and Chose Violence is a response to the murders and deaths of BIPOC people inflicted by the hegemonic systems.
January 9–March 3, 2018
Doreen Garner
Invisible Man Tattoo is a pop up tattoo shop offering designs that reflect the histories and experiences of Black people and the African Diaspora.
October 31–November 4, 2011
Christine Sun Kim and Lukas Geronimas
Christine Sun Kim will begin work on the inaugural performance of her 6- event series as part of Session.
September 3–October 26, 2019
Maryam Monalisa Gharavi
Life of Mohammad constructs a fictional single life from the lives of seven real people named Mohammad.
May 4–June 15, 2021
Sophia Giovannitti
Untitled (Incall) interrogates the material overlap between the art and sex industries to address the ambivalent labor identity of cultural producers.
October 2019
Have You Seen Mohammad? Or, Finding Tender Nuance Amidst These Sinister Screens
Adina Glickstein
November 6–December 15, 2018
Camilo Godoy
Out of Control is a project that will transform Recess into a dance studio to develop a choreography entitled What did they actually see?
On view
Christine Sun Kim and Beka Goedde
Christine Sun Kim will initiate a performance and installation as the second event in her six-part Session at Recess.
October 2019
Dynasty and Disruption: E.t. Chong’s Queer/trans Api Aesthetics of Intervention
Che Gossett
January 16–March 21, 2020
Naima Green
Pur·suit is a 54-card poker deck by artist Naima Green that features portraits of queer womxn, trans, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming people.
September 4–November 3, 2015
Jonah Groeneboer
Double Mouth Feedback explores the human voice as an instrument to express, or conversely, to repress, the self.
November 2023
Flowers to Seeds: Tilling the Dreamscape in AYDO’s Offering of Dreams
Alison Guh
written in conjunction with artist duo AYDO's Session project, Offering of Dreams.