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May 2013

Speaking Volumes

G Douglas Barrett

October 2015

Four to the Fourth

Morgan Bassichis, Jaime Shearn Coan, Katherine Brewer Ball, and Leeroy Kun Young Kang

June 2023

Holding Space: Void Spa as a Site of Care and Resistance

S. Erin Batiste

written in conjunction with artists' S. Erin Batiste for A. Sef and Akeema-Zane's Session project, Void Spa.

January 4–March 3, 2018


Alexandra Bell

exploring the role of stereotypes, messaging, and news media to directly engage issues of racism, gun violence, and police brutality

November 3–December 23, 2016


Željka Blakšić

BROUHAHA is a shape-shifting habitat, with a sculptural skate ramp positioned in the space as its physical anchor.

June 18–August 6, 2011

Wiggle Room

Larry Bob Phillips

Phillips will record four collaborative events, covering the walls inside 41 Grand Street with large-scale, and densely detailed drawings.

March 2017

Fantasies of the Junk Shop

Hunter Braithwaite

April 19–June 8, 2019

The Inside Room

Lex Brown

The Inside Room is a project that transforms Recess into a production studio for impromptu, tactile TV made for the body and voice.

October 28–December 11, 2010

The Brown Bear: Neither Particular, Nor General

A.K. Burns and Katherine Hubbard

Burns and Hubbard will adapt Recess into a working installation that will intentionally conflate the hair and art salon.