Liz Magic Laser
Due to the process-based nature of the Session program, this project will undergo constant modifications; the features of this page provide accruing information on the project’s developments.
On January 8, 2014, Liz Magic Laser will begin work on Bystander as part of Recess’s signature program, Session. Session invites artists to use Recess’s public space as studio, exhibition venue and grounds for experimentation.
Bystander will be developed at Recess through a series of interviews conducted by journalists and actors with members of the public. With this work, Laser re-imagines a television news broadcast that is filmed, edited and screened live as it is performed on stage. Laser will conduct interviews and write the script for Bystander in collaboration with Critical Writing Fellow Sofia Pontén while both take part in Session. The culminating performance will stage a dialogue between television news production and its viewers. Reversing expected roles, professional newscasters will deliver subjective testimonies while actors, representing the public, offer factual reports.
Both the Session and final performances will be staged in a functioning newsroom installation, replete with time zone clocks. By re-contextualizing the television news scenario as theatrical dialogue, Laser lays bare the mechanisms at play in the presentation and reception of current events.
Bystander will be developed with Actors: Audrey Crabtree, Annie Fox and Michael Wiener; Critical Writing Fellow: Sofia Pontén; Technical Director: Irwin Seow; Production Managers: Brian Mcelroy and Rachel Zaretsky; Costume Stylist Felicia Garcia-Rivera; and Research Assistants Laura Cooper and Lucia Hinojosa who will also present artwork and events during the Recess Session.
Performances at The Kitchen will feature television journalists and actors Lynn Berg, Roger Clark (NY1 Reporter), Audrey Crabtree, Annie Fox, Maria Trice (former WWOR-TV Reporter), Michael Wiener and Jon Wright (former KEYT-TV and WLBT-TV Weather and News Anchor).
Liz Magic Laser’s Bystander is produced in collaboration with The Kitchen.
About the artist
See allOpens March 22, 2026
Zeelie Brown